The Frog King Sings


Last October subscribers to my Patreon will have been delighted or otherwise to receive this small story about the Frog King and his song. Now, 12 months on, his song has escaped from behind the paywall and you can read about it here.


The Frog King Sings

The frog king sings.

He sings of his time in the spawn and then later, swimming with the tadpole princes, eating the waterplants and hiding from the minnows who would swallow them up. And later how he became the biggest frog in the pond, the frog king, and now the minnows hide from him unless they will be eaten in their turn as they did to so many of his siblings.

He sings about his birth to a noble human family, and how his parents crossed a sorceress. A cat and mouse game ensued as they hid their son from her malevolent spells, until one day, inevitably, his curiousity led him across her path and she sent forth the doom she had prepared for him.

He sings about how his true love will come and all will be right, the right princess at the right time. His true love and then he will find his true voice – and his true shape.

He sings about how he is a really and truly excellent kisser.

The frog king sings and everyone listens. It will be a shame if he loses his song when the princess comes and he uses his silver voice to convince her to kiss him. But there can be no change without loss, so one of them will have to lose something.


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