I Read Webcomics: Back


This webcomic by K C Green and Anthony Clark follows Abigail, a cowgirl who wakes up in a grave. She knows nothing, and is found by some witches who tell her she is destined to end the world. So she heads north towards the castle where the king waits and watches.

Along the way she meets people, some friendly, others, the sheriffs the king has placed over the towns, that get in her way. She learns… something. Most of the people are trying to get on with their life, but their lives are weird and odd. Still, she makes a friend Daniel, a druid, who wants to help her, but maybe not the ending of the world.

Though maybe the world has to end. Something has to change.

But it is extremely funny with cartoon violence, undercutting scenes of serious dilemma with unexpected weirdness, and scenes of comedy with heartfelt emotion.

The page where an additional reason for the comic being called “Back” is revealed was absolutely astonishing to me. Maybe it would be to you!

Read This: For a strange, fun, funny comic that manages to have some moments of real emotion and weight
Don’t Read This: A weird looking cowgirl fighting her way through strange towns is not for you


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