I Listen To Podcasts: Kill James Bond

Kill James Bond

A podcast in which Alice, Abi and Devon watch James Bond films and then critique them. They are a little younger than me, yet the Bond films as British cultural touchstones seems to have lasted beyond there only being four TV stations and a Bond film on one of them every bank holiday. Which is super-interesting!

They, for their various reasons, have a very strong love/hate relationship with the films, (as indeed do I though perhaps less strong). The love of course is that these brilliant and ridiculous films are packed with clever ideas and thrilling action, and perhaps less obviously reflect the British view of the world in a distorted funhouse mirror. Hate is even more interesting. Bond himself is the main target of the podcast (as the name might indicate); a spy who draws attention to himself and is in fact notorious in the criminal and espionage worlds; a man sent to investigate who uncovers plans by having them monologued to him; a snob, a drunk, a grotesque lecher who takes advantage of vulnerable and traumatised women. Our hero, gentles all.

Did I mention the films are great fun? They are. So is this podcast, even when it gets awkward and polemic.

Listen To This: For profane and hilarious commentary on James Bond films
Don’t Listen To This: James Bond is perfect and I will not hear otherwise
Bonus Episodes: And the ability to support the podcast at their Patreon.


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