Liner Notes 11

The Liner Notes providing a bit of background for my story Vanaheim Interlude and for the attendant essay on Oracles in the Deep Patrol universe.

Liner Notes 11

The consequences of stealing a spacecraft come home for Gunn and his crew. Of course they only stole it because they had been taken prisoner and had their ship confiscated. On the other hand, Gunn really is guilty of mutiny, desertion and conduct unbecoming an officer so the Solar Government had every right to lock him up and put him on trial.

I guess it all comes out in the wash.

I was aiming for a quiet, sense-of-wonder effect rather than the craziness of a full on action episode. Trying to show what happens on a Deep Patrol mission that is not high-stakes-fate-of-the-galaxy stuff. I’m not sure it worked, but I did manage to get a bit of the Wavefront being benignly puzzling rather than frantic or deadly.

Craziness comes back next month as we accelerate towards the finale.

Liner Notes 11a

We met the Ironheart Oracle, now here’s bit of speculation to make you doubt my characterisation.
I’m not actually saying that the volume in the wake of the Wavefront is a battleground between super-intelligent beings trying to counter each other’s forward-looking simulations. It’s not (quite) set up to show that. But, you know, it could be.


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