I Watch Films: The Brotherhood Of Satan

The Brotherhood Of Satan

A man, his daughter and girlfriend are driving through the American Southwest, they discover a wrecked car. As we know, but they don’t. it was crushed by a tank, the tank being both a full sized armoured vehicle and also a child’s toy operated by a sinister boy. Arriving in town they attempt to report the incident, but are mobbed by the townsfolk and escape. Then a girl appears in the road and they crash, and have to return to town on foot.

It turns out that several people have died, children have gone missing, and anyone trying to leave town fails and they can’t call out. The film reveals that this is the work of a group of elderly satanists who wish to be young again and are using the children to sue their toys to kill people as part of the ritual.

There are a few twists, but the identity of the character in both camps is made clear, the film choosing to concentrate on dread and inevitability of betrayal and death than on mystery.

Watch This: Some good local colour and combines three of the scariest things: children, toys and old people
Don’t Watch This: There’s nothing especially tense or interesting going on


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