I Watch Films: The Devil's Men

The Devil’s Men

We’re somewhere in rural Greece and people are going missing. We, the audience, know what’s going on; Baron Corofax (Peter Cushing) in exile from Carpathia, leads a cult that worships the Minotaur.

Father Roche (Donald Pleasance with a dubious Irish accent) tries to get the authorities interested, fails, but when some archaeologists go missing gets his former student Milo Kaye, an American private investigator, to come over and help. There’s a few clever scares and between them Cushing and Pleasance manage to create an air of menace, and also some gratuitous nudity; Milo is discovered in the nip when he gets Roche’s first letter and his girlfriend is in the shower, and it’s not clear why.

Despite the film's efforts to make it about an ancient Greek cult, Father Roche insists on forcing everything into a mould of Catholicism.

Watch This: A moderately entertaining horror film lifted by two central performances
Don’t Watch This: It’s a few scares and jokes and boobs and a bit of portentous religion


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