Chicken Kebabs

This recipe was improvised from a bunch of stuff my parent's had in their fridge. It turned out pretty well.

Chicken Kebabs
A piece of ginger
A clove of garlic
2 chicken breast fillets, skinless
A lemon
A splash of soy sauce
A double splash of oil
A fistful of Tarragon

A red pepper
A courgette

A few hours marinading helps this so start in advance. Cut up the chicken fillets into mouth sized chunks. Grate or very finely cut the ginger and crush or finely cut the garlic. Strip the tarragon from the stalks and bruise the leaves, your hands will do for this if you don’t mind smelling of tarragon. Sprinkle over the chicken.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze over the chicken, being sure to catch the pips. Add the soy sauce and oil, stir and turn over, and then leave for a few hours, covered and in the fridge probably, coming back to turn them over if possible.

Before grilling take the chicken pieces and put on a skewer, putting pieces of pepper and courgette between each (other vegetables will also work – onion, mushroom etc) Grill for 10 to 15 minutes, pouring the leftover marinade over if that seems appropriate. Serve with rice and beans.


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