I Read Books: The Tyrant

The Tyrant

The second part of the duology that began with The Reformer, or alternatively the third in the series, or alternatively alternatively the eighth in the series. Having introduced gunpowder into the Confederation of Vanbert, here standing in for the late Roman Repubic, Adrian Gelbert allies with the Southron barbarians and plots with the Justicar who forms a triumvirate. That always ends well.

Slavery is abolished, citizenship universalised and the Confederation begins to industrialise. This inevitably creates massive wars and death on a huge scale. Which is good for a military themed series!

Writing duties on this changed from S M Stirling to Eric Flint. Flint writes in a less pared down style, with fuller explanations of what’s going on and he also likes to put a bit of repetition in there. This improves the jokes and creates a couple of good scenes where previous events pay off. It’s still a quick and easy read, though regular readers of this blog will know I’m on board with slow and wordy Victorian Writing so take that as you will.

Read This: Because you want to know how the story in The Reformer ends [SPOILERS in the title]
Don’t Read This: If a way to break the Roman Republic through to modernity sounds dumb.


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