I Watch Films: The Snorkel

Paul gasses his wife and makes it look like a locked room suicide (this is the opening sequence of the film). His stepdaughter is sure he killed her mother, based partially on dislike, and partially on her believing she saw him drown her father. Interestingly the film never clarifies if that’s true; Paul is a cold-blooded killer who uses both immaculate planning and bold improvisation, and tries to kill the daughter using the method she described, though after she said it.

Her dog nearly solves the case twice, so Paul kills the dog. He’s the villain.

I was slightly disappointed by the ending which wimps out on a final horror, and the daughter is an idiot. Apart from that it was pretty good.

Watch This: For a 1950s black and white thriller with twists, glamour and tension
Don’t Watch This: If an old, slightly slow crime film is not for you.
The Daughter: is played by Mandy Miller, perhaps best known for singing Nellie The Elephant.


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