I Watch Movies: War For Planet of the Apes

A crazed special forces colonel is trying to kill Caesar, the leader of the apes. (The “Ape-pocalypse Now” graffiti  is a bit on the nose.) Meanwhile the simian flu has mutated again, and the new strain seems to be stopping humans from being able to talk. This leads inevitably to a lot of action set pieces.

If I’m dismissive then I guess it’s because Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes had things to say and show as well as revenge and madness and explosions and fights and CGI mo-cap apes (so good). This, well, doesn’t have as much to say. Though Caesar gets tied to a cross and [SPOILERS] the promised land, they feel like lazy gestures rather than a new vision or recontextualisation of the religious themes.

Watch This: For ape fights
Don’t Watch This: If you want the ape fights to be about anything interesting.


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