I Watch Films: The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King


The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

The film opens with the backstory of Smeagol/Gollum and how he came across the ring before returning to the present. At the end of The Two Towers Merry and Pippin took part in the Ent’s defeat of Saruman at Isengard; now Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas arrive there to find out what’s going on and reunite with them. Pippin discovers a Palantir, a scrying sphere and looks in it, making himself known to Sauron. Gandalf decides to take him to Minas Tirith, where he expects Sauron to attack, drawing his gaze away from Frodo and Sam, who are trying to take the ring to Mount Doom to destroy it.

In brief, Gondor and Minas Tirith are poorly led, the Steward thinking that Gandalf intends to replace him with Aragorn, the heir to the kingdom. Gandalf has to finesse the situation, rescuing the outlying army, arranging for the beacons to be lit to call for aid from Rohan, and when the Steward despairs after he thinks his son Boromir is killed, rallying the defenders.

There are some doubts in Rohan, firstly if they will answer the beacons, and when they do not as many troops come as they expect. Aragorn leaves the army on the eve of them marching out, but they go anyway. Aragorn seeks the foresworn dead in the mountains with Gimli and Legolas. Merry and Éowyn join the army though they are told to stay behind.

Frodo and Sam, being guided by Gollum attempt to enter Mordor. The ring is making Frodo paranoid, unable to sleep. Gollum plots to steal the ring, by leading them into danger.

You’ve probably seen this, so do I have anything new to say? Well perhaps. After watching The Rings Of Power there’s a few things it does that are significantly better. Setting up what’s going on on the battlefield for one. We know where the various places are in relation to each other, and as it develops we see where characters and units are going. Also sometimes letting the actors just do the line. Gandalf in particular, they rightly allow Ian McKellan to do the work with voice and presence, he doesn’t need the special effects. And when they do give them to him it has even more impact.

Watch This: The culmination of what still stands out as the landmark fantasy film
Don’t Watch This: You watched it once before, thought it went on a bit too long at the end


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