I Read Stories: A Record of Our Meeting with the Grand Faerie Lord of Vast Space and Its Great Mysteries, Revised By A.T. Greenblatt

A Record Of Our Meeting With The Great Faerie Lord Of Vast Space And It’s Mysteries, Revised
by A T Greenblatt in Beneath Ceaseless Skies

The ship, the Forever Voyaging, is stuck in the Tidepools of the Known Universe, unable to return to their Time Stream. The navigator is unable to make a bridge. The chronicler, who makes this chronicle, is the child of the former pilots and navigators, but is even less able. They seek out the Great Faerie Lord, who can travel in both the Known and Unknown Universe, who can move through time and not just as humans and navigators do.

They talk to the Great Faerie Lord but get no solid answers, and then they talk to the Great Faerie Lord again, for the first time, and the Chronicler revises their records.

There is, perhaps no single answer. Just as there is no single story here.

Read This: An accomplished, clever and sometimes poignant story about circling through time and learning about yourself
Don’t Read This: So much for unity of time, place and character


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