I Read Books: Cooking With Humans

Cooking With Humans
by Roppotucha Greenberg

The creatures live in the thicket and they are learning about humans. They plan to make a big feast. They have gathered a number of recipes which are divided between seasons. (Roppotucha solicited them online and, full disclosure, one of mine is featured in the book.)

But there’s more to it than that. Between recipes there are stories, some told be creatures, some told by humans and some told by vegetables. (None of the recipes use meat).

“Ah the innocence of pumpkins, the wide-eyed sabre-toothed innocence of them. Too much time in the sun, too much wine and good company. Let them spend a life underground, freeze, shudder, stretch leaves in prayer. Then we’ll talk. Even if they are so full of light.”

Read This: For dream-like tiny sketches and fairly sensible recipes
Don't Read This: If you want to cook you don't want to be distracted by small jewel-like descriptions
You Can Get A Copy: From the Amazon


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