I Read Books: Swords Against Death

Swords Against Death

Fafhrd and The Grey Mouser (finally) met (for the second first time) in the final story of the prior volume, at the end of which, having lost their first loves, they left Lankhmar swearing never to return. They spend three years travelling the world and having adventures, and, at last, break that vow to discover that, although still heart-broken, they can cope with it. This is the first of ten stories in the volume, the earliest being from 1939, the first Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser story written (The Jewels In The Forest aka Two Sought Adventure), the last being from 1970, written as this volume was being prepared.

They have a couple of adventures in Lankhmar, spend the middle portion of the book being driven by a geas to the unknown Western continent, then having various odd adventures on the way back. At last the two decide to finally end their torment from their lost loves by asking the advice of two wizards, Sheelba of the Eyeless Face and Ningauble of the Seven Eyes. This leads them to the Shadowlands where they meet their dead loves, come face to face with Death, both succeed and fail in their quest and manage to get out of their sworn oaths when it turns out they would have to kill each other. After that, they don’t feel so sad and like girls again, though the exact nature of this has not aged as well as one might hope.

(Both of the lads are still fairly young yet the Mouser is old enough to know better as, of course, was Leiber. Yes, they murder and steal too, they’re rogues outside the decent bounds of society. what should I expect. Anyway take this as a warning.)

Again the final story is the best; The Bazaar of the Bizarre being the great populariser of the magic shop with amazing items for sale. Pratchett of course ran with this, and here it’s played straight, though by played straight it I mean it has hilarious scenes using the differing viewpoints of Fafhrd and The Grey Mouser to great effect.

Read This: For some fun swashbuckling adventures, a little dated in parts
Don’t Read This: If you want the epic fights and dark deeds taken seriously


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