I Play Games: The Trader Of Stories

The Trader Of Stories

These are a series of point and click games. The first two, Bell’s Heart and A Grain of Truth revolve around Myosotis the trader of stories, who has lost her memory. She is a traveller around the Forest Bed, the lands around the Great Oak.

The second two, Chapter One and Chapter Two, (the game makers decided to restart) features Little Willow, a storyteller, who has lost her memory (this again). Her stories dig deep into the mythology and foundings of the world.

These are, in general, slightly over-cute point and click visual novels, high on details moderately hard on puzzles and a little light on plot. Where they excel is in the visuals (the ideas came from a comic book one of the designers planned), the characters and the world itself which is interesting and distinctive. The music is pretty good too.

Play These: You can play them for free and they’re worth looking at for the pictures
Don’t Play These: if you hate pointing and clicking for a reward of someone telling a legend you know nothing of.


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