Liner Notes 12

A little background information on my space opera story Beggars In Ermine.

Liner Notes 12

Space weasels was a note that sat on my master ideas page for a long time. (At any point where I had an idea that didn’t work with what I was currently working on, it went on the master ideas page. When I needed something to turn the story I was working on into a new, hopefully more interesting direction I consulted the master ideas page. This never let me down for values of “never let down” that mean there was always something ridiculous I could riff off). I was planning this story with the idea of introducing the Last Venture (at that time called the New Venture, eh, not sure why the change to be honest) who will make another appearance in the next story, which is also the season finale. Of course this is story 12, all the easy-to-use and good ideas were gone, and I had dumped the obvious no-hopers. So I was left with a lot of mediocre concepts that needed work and several wacky out-there things. Then this happened:

Me: Space weasel? How would that...
Brain: 1st Stage: Weasel. 2nd Stage: Broodmother. 3rd Stage: Space Leviathan.
Me: But how do they get to space in the...
Brain: They live in asteroids, in a symbiotic relationship with humans.
Me: What are they doing that requires Gunn to...
Brain: Do I have to do all the work around here?

This story also finally reveals the truth about the use of Latin in these stories, namely that I can’t read, write or speak the language. To deal with this I have set the point of view very closely onto Gunn and then made him bad at Latin. (He reads it better than he writes it; understands it better than he speaks it.) I highly recommend this method for dealing with languages in fiction, unless you speak said language or have access to a translator (which would probably be better).

More on the Last Venture next month.


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