I Watch Films: Cyborg



A plague has devastated America, probably the rest of the world. In Atlanta Georgia a group of scientists are working on a cure. They turn Pearl Prophet into a cyborg to retrieve computer data from New York.

Unfortunately Tremolo Fender and his gang of post-apocalyptic pirates go after her. “Slinger” (mercenary) Gibson Rickenbacker tries to help her but is knocked out; he decides to follow and rescue her. It turns out that he has a grudge against Fender’s gang.

Gibson is played by Jean-Claude Van Damme. Post apocalyptic East Coast Of America is made up of muddy fields and abandoned half-built buildings. There’s a lot of fights. That’s probably all you need to know.

Watch This: Gritty post-apocalyptic martial arts adventure with some good fights and stunts
Don’t Watch This: Sketched in future with predictable turns


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