I Watch Films: The Curse Of Frankenstein

The Curse of Frankenstein

Some classic Hammer Horror here; Peter Cushing as the Baron and Christopher Lee as the creature. The Baron is quite a nasty piece of work. Initially his only interest seems to be his medical experiments, the laudable if obsessive ability to bring people back to life. His tutor/assistant/collaborator Paul Krempe urges him to publish to let others benefit and offer suggestions, but instead Frankenstein goes further, wanting to create a creature. He journeys about the place after particularly good bits of anatomy.

Krempe decides to leave at the same time as Frankensteinā€™s cousin arrives to marry him. Unfortunately it seems Frankenstein has also got his maid into trouble, but he has a murderous undead creature so perhaps...

Anyway we know it goes wrong as the framing device of the film is that Frankenstein is in a cell, confessing before his execution.

Watch This: For old school horror, where itā€™s all about waiting for someone to make a terrible choice and uncover a dark secret
Donā€™t Watch This: If you want a good looking monster.
Film vs Book: No film of Frankenstein follows the book very closely and none capture the essence of the book, which came at a pivotal time for the novel etc. so I prefer to take the film as it is rather than compare.


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